
CCTV is a community-centered organization where Cambridge residents (and non-residents!) can create, consume, and share media that is a reflection of who they are and where they come from.

Our Core Values are:

The Power of Community

We believe a community generates ideas and actions in a way isolated individuals don’t have access to. Like the sound a choir can make vs. one person singing alone.

Equity, Access, & Justice

We believe everyone deserves access to the skills & technology that will enable them to connect and create. We are committed to activism and justice work.

Collaboration & Curiosity

We believe in leading through listening, and we are all about learning—new perspectives, new skills, new information—bring it on.

Fluidity & Flexibility

We believe in keeping an open mind and changing when it’s time to change. We are looking to the future without losing sight of where we’ve come from.

Communication & Creativity

We believe everyone’s voice deserves to be heard, and that our community (and our world) is a better place because of the art we see when access & opportunity barriers are removed.

Expertise & Excellence

We believe that “public access” shouldn’t (always) mean “Wayne’s World.” We believe that access to skilled teachers, high-end equipment, and professional quality production shouldn’t be tied to one’s socioeconomic status.

Celebrating Our Weirdness

We believe in keeping Cambridge weird, and that means inviting everyone who lives here to share their voice and make their art on CCTV's platform. Your platform. We wouldn't be Cambridge without you.

Open staff positions: